about me

Hi There!

Pleased to meet you!

I'm so glad you found your way to my site! As a foster/adoptive/bio mama to four kids, I know what it's like to feel stressed, frustrated, and like there's too much to do for everyone else, let alone make time for self-care!  However, as a psychotherapist, I also know how important it is to make a plan for self-care and give myself permission to practice it - and that's what I'm here to help you do, too!

My name is Cathleen Bearse and I'm a licensed clinical social worker in private practice. A common theme among my clients, and I believe in most busy women, is that they begin to feel grumpy, angry, resentful, bitter, anxious, or stressed when they run around doing everything for others and don't make any time for themselves.  My passion is helping women (and especially other foster mamas!) overcome stress and anxiety by teaching the same evidence based techniques I use with clients in my private practice.

I have a bachelor of arts in psychology from Miami University  and a masters of science in social administration (aka social work) from Case Western Reserve University.  I've been practicing clinical social work in a variety of settings for 11 years, and I have been in private practice, specializing with adolescents and women for 9 years.