Besties, have you ever stopped and really given serious thought to what it is that makes you happy? What makes you smile? What brings you joy? I bet if you took five minutes to think about the first things that come to mind that make you truly happy, a few things would happen.
1. You would feel happier just reflecting upon these things
2. You would be encouraged to find ways to experience these things more often.
Shall we give it a try? Good.
When was the last time you belly-laughed or laughed so hard you cried? Who were you with? What were you doing?
When were you pleasantly surprised by something?
When did you last smile so much your face hurt?
How do you best receive love from those close to you?
When was the last time you felt completely relaxed?
When was the last time your heart was filled with genuine joy?
Ok…that’s enough to get you started.
The book
52 Lists for Happiness by Moorea Seal begins by asking you to simply write down the things that make you happy. Seal then asks you to choose one thing from your list and try to incorporate it into your daily life. Another suggestion is to look at your list and look at your month and try to schedule ways to experience that happiness.
I know adding more things to your schedule may sound the opposite of appealing to the very busy among us, but I bet adding more happiness to your life is something you wish you could do. The good news is you can. You just have to care enough about yourself to take the time to do so.
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