Well it may only be Wednesday, but I’m dreaming about the weekend already! Today’s Bestie Finds includes some staples for a city weekend getaway. I am incredibly blessed to live outside New York City, and I try to take advantage of it whenever I can. Whether it’s a day in the city with my Besties or a night on the town with my hubby, I just can’t seem to get enough of that place! There’s something so fun about exploring new neighborhoods and restaurants, and let’s be honest…people watching doesn’t get much better than in NYC!
You don’t have to travel to the Big Apple to enjoy a little city weekend getaway. Sometimes self care is just packing up for 48 hours to the city nearest you and enjoying the change of scenery. When you go, be sure to pack some of these fun essentials, and let us know if you have plans for a city getaway in the comments!
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