Welcome to another week, my friends! This week is going to be a super busy one for me as I’m going out of town for a much needed sister weekend on Thursday. I’m beyond pumped about having some precious time with my sis (and my aunts, too!) but I have about a million things to do before I leave to make sure my family can function without mama for a few days. **Shout out to my hubs and Grammy and Granddad for making it possible to get away for a bit!**
So I’m basically running around like a chicken with my head cut off this week, with the Bangles’ “Manic Monday” playing in my head. It’s times like these when my good intentions for healthy eating and taking care of myself kinda fly out the window. I’m working on making it as easy as possible for myself to eat clean most of the time; I’m definitely finding it’s much more doable when I’ve planned ahead.
Today I’m sharing a roundup of 30 lunch meal prep ideas for my busy Besties out there who share this struggle! The idea of meal prep is cooking once for the week, and portioning out your lunch for the entire week. It totally takes the guess-work out lunch. It also saves money by preventing you from eating out. It also ensures you will be eating healthy for at least one meal of the day. I like to refer to it as the trifecta of meal prep motivation.
Without further ado, enjoy these easy and delish meal prep combos…and feel free to share any others you’ve been enjoying lately!
So which of these yummy lunch meal prep ideas is your favorite? If you have any others to share, please let us know in the comments! We’re all ears!
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