By now, I’m sure you all know about the paleo diet, right? Also known as the caveman diet, it helps people eat leaner and cleaner by asking the question, “WWACE?” What Would A Caveman Eat? 😉 If Fred Flintstone wouldn’t have had access (here’s looking at you cheese, processed sugar, and grains), you shouldn’t be eating it on the paleo diet.
While I’m not a partaker of the paleo way of life (mama loves her some graaaaiiins….and also cheese…and yes, um, also sometimes processed sugar!), I have found a lot of awesome paleo recipes that take the pain out of clean eating. When we treat our bodies (mostly) right with healthy foods, they do seem to treat us better. But treating your body right doesn’t mean you can’t treat yo self sometimes, too! Here’s a list of paleo recipes that taste good!
What about you? Do you know of any paleo recipes that taste good? Please share with us in the comments!
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