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5 Essentials For The Perfect Bath


If you have been reading my blog for any length of time (or following me on Instagram), you already know how much I heart a good bubble bath.  I honestly can’t think of a better way to unwind after a long day.  A 20 minute relaxing soak is all it takes to melt my stress away, prepare me for a great night’s sleep, or simply put me in a better mood.  
As your Self Care Bestie, I feel I have a responsibility to help you take your baths from “ahh” to “AHHHMAZING.”  So let me share with you 5 things you need to make your bath both beneficial and blissful…every.single. time.
1.  Add something to that water!  You might be a bubbles person, a bath bomb person, or a salts person.  You may do a few drops of essential oil, or simply some coconut oil.  Or you may go allll the way out and fill your tub with gorgeous flowers…yes, that’s a big trend in baths right now.  Side note:  aren’t you so glad you have a Bestie who can keep you abreast of trends in the world of baths? 😉
Regardless of your additive of choice, I promise you are going to enjoy your bath on a whole new level if you take the time to add a little somethin’ somethin’ to your tub.  
2.  Get Organized.  By taking a few minutes prior to the start of your soak to figure out the logistics of everything, you will save yourself a lot of hassle once your bath begins.  Figure out where you are going to put everything you need…your drink, your music, your book, your skincare items, your candles, etc. A handy dandy bath caddy goes a long way in solving this problem, but even if you don’t have one, you can figure out where to put everything so you don’t burn down the house or get electrocuted…because that is the opposite of relaxing.
3.  Perfect Lighting.  Personally, I love a dimly lit bathroom with a lovely scented candle or two burning nearby.  You might love the lights blazing so you can read better, if reading in the bath is your thing.  Just figure out what works for you!
4.  Extra skin love.  In my opinion, if you’re taking the time to indulge in a delightful bath, you may as well also use the time to pamper your skin a little and kill two birds with one bath.  (See what I did there?)  Try a mask on your face, or an exfoliating scrub on your legs, or perhaps apply a little vitamin C serum to your face. The steamy bathroom is the perfect environment for all of these products to soak in and work most efficiently.  

5.  Something to do.  So now you’re ready to slip into the perfect bath…only one thing remains.  What are you going to do?  Some people like to just drift into semi-dreamland (though actually sleeping in the tub is not such a great idea!), with closed eyes and nothing to think about.  Others love to read or listen to music.  Heck, Margot Tenenbaum rigged herself up a lil’ system to watch TV in the tub (does anyone else love The Royal Tenenbaums as much as I do?).  Take some time to do what you love – something relaxing, and life-giving.  

Ok, Besties!  What did I miss?  Do you love baths as much as I do?  If it’s been a while since your last soak, why not give it another go?  Wishing you all a relaxing day!!

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