
How to Practice Mindfulness

June 16, 2017

YAY for FRIYAY!  The weekend is finally here and, as you know, I’ve been ready for it for quite some time.  It’s the first weekend in a while when we haven’t been booked solid so it will be nice to just relax and recharge a bit!  I hope you all have some self care planned […]

A call to mindfulness for moms
How to keep your anxiety from affecting your kids
How to deal with the unknowns of foster care
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I'm Cathleen!

I'm a foster + adoptive + bio mama to 4, and a psychotherapist in private practice.  I'm here to help you deal with all the feels on your foster care journey.  Welcome!


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YAY for FRIYAY!  The weekend is finally here and, as you know, I’ve been ready for it for quite some time.  It’s the first weekend in a while when we haven’t been booked solid so it will be nice to just relax and recharge a bit!  I hope you all have some self care planned for this weekend, and that you will be taking extra good care of the dads out there this weekend!  Shout out to my fantastic husband…who is seriously the best dad in the biz.  
I wanted to share some practical tips on how to practice mindfulness.  As a therapist, one of the biggest ways I see my clients hindering their growth and success is by letting their thoughts run away with them. Many of them miss out on the joy of a perfectly good present moment  by ruminating about the past or worrying about the future. It’s something that most people struggle with to an extent, but often (especially during times of stress or sadness), they let their thoughts take over instead of focusing on the here and now.  
Mindfully staying in the present is not something that comes naturally to most people.  It takes practice and intentional focus to train our brains to stay put.  The good news is, if you are willing to put in the work, you will absolutely see an improvement.  Over time, if you consistently strive to stay present, you will increase your peace and enjoy your life a whole lot more, regardless of your current circumstances.  
1.  Meditate.
3.  Unplug/no screens – give yourself 30 minutes per day for social media if you wish.  Schedule it in and leave your phone alone unless it’s your designated time.
5.  Go for a walk outside and notice your surroundings.
6.  Savor your food and drink.  Slooooowwww down.
7.  Look around – drink in this beautiful world, pay attention to everything you see as if this may be the last time you will see it.
9.  Make a playlist for every mood you can think of (sad, happy, excited, angry, etc.) and listen to it when the mood strikes.  Allow yourself to feel whatever you feel.
10. Practice non-judgmental observing and non-attachment.  Notice everything you see, feel, and experience with an “it is what it is” attitude.
Now that you know how to practice mindfulness, check out this cute worksheet perfect for keeping your coping skills in one handy place.  Here’s to staying present everyday, Besties!

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I'm Cathleen, your new (foster) mom friend.

I'm also a psychotherapist in private practice who wants to teach my fellow foster mamas the skills that ACTUALLY work to overcome stress, anxiety and overwhelm...'cause ain't nobody got time for that!

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