
Self Care Bestie’s Top 100 Ways To Improve Your Life

December 14, 2017

Hello, my friends!  I hope you’ve been loving the Holiday Self Care Challenge on Instagram and that you’ve been tuning in for my weekly Facebook Live series this month.  It’s been so fun for me to engage and interact with you in new ways and it truly reminds me that the heart of everything I […]

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I'm Cathleen!

I'm a foster + adoptive + bio mama to 4, and a psychotherapist in private practice.  I'm here to help you deal with all the feels on your foster care journey.  Welcome!


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Hello, my friends!  I hope you’ve been loving the Holiday Self Care Challenge on Instagram and that you’ve been tuning in for my weekly Facebook Live series this month.  It’s been so fun for me to engage and interact with you in new ways and it truly reminds me that the heart of everything I write about is connecting with and helping as many people as possible.  You all bring such joy to my life, and I guess as the year draws to a close in a few short weeks (can you believe it?!), I’m feeling all sorts of reflective and thankful.  
On that note, I know so many people think of the new year as a time to set resolutions regarding what they want to be different about their life in the coming year.  Whether you call them resolutions, goals, dreams, or intentions, it is wise to periodically think about what you wish you had more or less of in your life.  To that end, I wanted to present you with a list of 100 ways to improve your life.  Obviously, these are just my thoughts about what would improve someone’s life…you are definitely free to take what works for you and leave what doesn’t!  However, I fashioned this list out of a decade of clinical experience (not to mention 35 years of life experience), with the hopes that most people could find something that would inspire and encourage them to love the life they are living.
In no particular order, here are my top 100 ways to improve your life:
1.  Meditate.
3.  Unplug/no screens at least one day per week.
5.  Go for a walk outside and notice your surroundings.
8.  Take photos of beauty whenever you see it.
10.  Practice non-judgmental observing…notice your feelings with an “it is what it is” attitude.
12.  Do YOU without feeling guilty.
13.  Go with your gut/trust your instincts.
16.  Listen to your body – eat when you’re hungry, drink when you’re thirsty, and rest when you’re tired.
20.  Have a little budget for treating yourself occasionally.
24.  Plan family fun activities to make the most of time with your loved ones.
26.  Call or FaceTime someone rather than texting, especially if you don’t see them often.
30.  Weekend getaways.
32.  Ask people what they want to do and do that sometimes.
33.  Shower the people you love with love – leave them in no doubt of how you feel about them.
38.  Ride a bike.
39.  Write.
41.  Go to Toys R’ Us and get something fun for you.  Seriously – whatever you loved as a kid, do more of that as an adult.
42.  Play computer games or video games.  Come on, they’re fun!
43.  PRETEND.  Yep, even adults can pretend.  Who do you want to be?  Who do you admire?  Act like that person for a day and see how you feel at the end of the day.  
44.  Dress in a way that makes you feel confident.
45.  Go swimming.
47.  Have picnics.
48.  Hang out with kids and do what they do – be a part of their world.
49.  Watch Disney movies. 
50.  Remember that confident people have more fun.
51.  Give yourself a mirror pep talk once in a while.
52.  SMILE – it’s a mood and confidence booster.
54.  Interview someone you admire for their confidence and notice how and why they live the way they do.
55.  Remember a time when you felt most confident – journal about how you felt and think about the advice you could take from yourself to improve your confidence?
56.  Stop worrying about what others will think.  
57.  Remind yourself often of the TRUTH about you by reading scripture, quotes, or other encouraging material.
58.  Record and reflect on past compliments you have received. 
59.  Read old cards, notes, etc. to remind yourself how others really feel about you.
60.  Make a gratitude list.  As often as possible.
63.  Scroll through your texts and give thanks for every person in your life and what they bring to your life.
66.  Volunteer – be a blessing to someone else.  Find a cause that sets your soul on fire and be the change!
68.  Find a way to be thankful even for the tasks you have to do that you don’t necessarily love (i.e. if you have to do the dishes, you can be thankful the reason the dishes are dirty is that you had food to eat).
69.  Pick 3 important things you need to do each day and focus on those 3 things.  No need to overwhelm yourself.
70.  Stay present with each task you do.
71.  Bring to mind how you are blessing people by doing the work of daily life that doesn’t really excite you otherwise.
75.  Think about how your mindset would change if you knew today was your last – live that way no matter how many days you have left.
76.  Read the Bible.  No matter what you believe, it’s a book of significant historical and moral importance.  Also, it will probably help you win at Jeopardy!  
77.  Just for today, focus on today. 
78.  Attend a worship service.  You might love it, you might not.  But you’ll never know until you try.
80.  Ask people about their faith background…especially people whose background differs from yours. Just listen. You don’t need to change their mind.  We can learn a lot from each other if we choose to.
81.  Listen to podcasts that interest you.
82.  Listen to music that helps you explore your faith and spirituality.
84.  Keep a prayer journal.
85.  Join a Bible study or a group where you can discuss faith and spirituality openly with others.
87.  Identify areas you struggle to have faith – write them down and talk them over with someone you trust.
88.  Ask yourself “will this matter in 10 years?”
89.  View problems in the light of life and death…it’s amazing how your perspective will change.
92.  Notice how not forgiving affects you.
94.  Ask how you can help difficult people.
95.  Remember your reason for loving difficult people.
96.  Focus on this truth:  you can’t control others, you can only control you and your reactions to people.
98.  Let things go rather than letting them eat you alive.  
There you have it, my Besties!  Which item on the list is speaking to your heart?  What are your favorite ways to improve your life?  Let us know in the comments!

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I'm Cathleen, your new (foster) mom friend.

I'm also a psychotherapist in private practice who wants to teach my fellow foster mamas the skills that ACTUALLY work to overcome stress, anxiety and overwhelm...'cause ain't nobody got time for that!

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