
Top 10 Encouraging Books For Women

January 30, 2018

If you can’t tell by now, I’m a huge book nerd.  I love reading, and as I mentioned here, it’s one of my favorite forms of self-care.  I’ve also shared with you several of my favorite titles in the past, ranging from fiction to self-help books.  Today, I want to share a list of encouraging […]

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I'm Cathleen!

I'm a foster + adoptive + bio mama to 4, and a psychotherapist in private practice.  I'm here to help you deal with all the feels on your foster care journey.  Welcome!


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If you can’t tell by now, I’m a huge book nerd.  I love reading, and as I mentioned here, it’s one of my favorite forms of self-care.  I’ve also shared with you several of my favorite titles in the past, ranging from fiction to self-help books.  Today, I want to share a list of encouraging books, books that have spoken to me personally, or books that I’ve heard others say have spoken to them and they have now found a spot on my to-read list. 
Without further ado, here are my favorite encouraging books for women (though many are certainly geared toward both sexes; however, my audience is predominately female).
1. The Bible – I figured I should start with the book I read most.  Speaking from personal experience, this book is life-changing.  I would argue that no matter what you believe, the Bible is worth reading, as it is a book of major historical and moral significance.  To me, it is also so very much more, but we must all read it and determine for ourselves what it is to be in our own lives.  As far as encouraging books are concerned, I have found none better.

2. 31 Days To Managing Your Moods – Well, I feel a little sheepish including my own book – especially right after the Bible! 😉  But I do include it, because I’m confident it can empower and encourage you daily, over the course of one month.  At least, that’s the feedback I’m getting so far.  I’m so thankful to have been able to write something for the sole purpose of encouraging people (but women especially!) that we don’t have to be driven by our moods and that a balanced, healthy mindset is actually possible.  If you do read it, please email me and let me know what you think!  As always, I would love to hear from you.  

3.  Tell Me More –  Kelly Corrigan delivers again in this candid and relatable book that examines the twelve most difficult phrases we say in life.  Each phrase is a short-story from Corrigan’s life and each is told in her distinct, moving style.  “I was wrong,” “No,” and, of course, “Tell me more” are just three of the things we all struggle to say at times; upon reading this book, we will be looking for ways to say them more often.  
4.  Soulful Simplicity:  How Living With Less Can Lead To So Much More – If you caught my most recent Facebook Live, you know how I feel about simplicity and minimalism.  In this book, Courtney Carver reveals allll the benefits of minimalism from improved health, to less stress, and so much more.  This book makes it easy to want to get rid of all the excess stuff that is holding you back!
5. Live Lagom – Touted “the new hygge” by some, lagom is the Swedish concept of living life in balance.  A home/work balance is a big part of lagom, but author Anna Brones gives a ton of actionable advice for making life happier and sweeter in this encouragement to intentional living. 
6.  The Gifts of Imperfection – I talk about Brene Brown a lot…and for good reason.  This book is my favorite of hers because it is so relatable.  How often do we strive toward perfection, only to be disappointed or discouraged time after time as we fail to reach it?  This book reveals the gifts of being imperfect, as well as the 10 pillars of wholehearted living – notice how trying to be perfect and wholehearted living are basically opposites.  This is a book I come back to time and again for encouragement.   
7. Present Over Perfect – Well, I can’t really say enough good things about this book either!  Shauna Niequist reveals her own struggles with perfectionism in beautifully written, short-essay form, but the book as a whole reveals her personal journey from perfectionist to healthy striver, making her a role model for setting boundaries, slowing down, and of course, self-care. 

8. For the love – And this is my favorite Jen Hatmaker book.  Again, written as a series of short essays, this book is witty, thought-provoking, and freaking hilarious.  I laughed out loud so many times reading it, and I also reached for a highlighter multiple times to just make sure I could go back and re-read all the best parts again and again.  Jen gives tools and tips for how to cultivate deep friendships, how to love others amazingly well, and how to live a meaningful life.
9. Boundaries: When To Say Yes, How To Say No To Take Control of Your Life – Oh, gosh.  If I had a nickel for every time I recommended this book to a friend or client, I’d be sailing around the world on my private yacht right now.  Henry Cloud  & John Townsend have written the definitive work on codependent relationships, dealing with toxic people, and deciding what to say yes and no to in your life.  If any of these are a struggle for you, run, don’t walk, to get this book!

10. The Reason For God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism – Knowing what faith in God has done for me in my own life, I feel compelled to share a book that is relatable, and can help answer questions common to people who are uncertain about what they believe or why.  I, along with Brene Brown and many other clinicians have come to realize the place faith and spirituality have in wholehearted living (it’s one of Brene’s 10 pillars, y’all!); as such, I think it’s important for every human to explore their own faith and really be able to give a reason for what they believe…not for the sake of arguing with others or being “right,” but for the peace and joy it brings your heart when you have a rock-solid faith that can hold you up in the worst of times, and cause deep, deep gratitude in the best of times.  Dr. Timothy Keller addresses the concerns and questions of skeptics, appealing to everything from intellect, literature, philosophy, and even pop culture.  If you read this book, I’d love to hear what you think about it!
Ok, my friends…what encouraging books are you reading right now?  Are there any we should add to the list?  Let us know in the comments!  Have an amazing day, my Besties!

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I'm Cathleen, your new (foster) mom friend.

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