If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you know, I’m pretty much
hygge-obsessed. The Danish and Norwegian lifestyle incorporating coziness, warmth, special times and togetherness has essentially become #selfcaregoals to me. I’ve been known to peruse #hygge on Instagram just for fun, and to learn more ways to incorporate hygge into my life. There’s truly no end to the amount of hyggelig (hygge-like) activities you can add to your self-care rotation, my friends! And if you, like me, are a huge fan of all things hygge, you are in luck! I’ve created a webinar just for you where I go into detail about all the different aspects of hygge (in just under 20 minutes no less!). Yep. I’m a huge hygge-nerd. And I’m ok with it.
In this webinar, I invite you to get yourself a delightful hot bev, be it coffee, tea, or mulled wine, and settle in for a little bit of cozy self-care. You’ll learn the ins and outs of what makes hygge so amazing, and why it’s worldwide popularity continues to grow, despite past claims that it was merely a “trend” for those of us who live outside
Denmark and Norway. If you really want to join me in my hygge-nerd status, feel free to take notes (or even a screen shot) for future reference. I won’t tell. 😉
This hygge webinar is perfect for anyone looking to learn more about the Scandinavian way of life that consistently contributes to those countries being ranked among the happiest in the world year after year. #hyggebrag I’m sharing my favorite hygge photos for inspiration as well, because as we all know, a picture is worth a thousand words. I’ve been planning my lil’ hygge webinar for a long while now and I’m so excited to finally be sharing it with you!
Annnd, at the end of the webinar, I’m sharing some special
printable resources with you that will help you take everything you learned about how to hygge and easily apply it to your daily life. It pretty much doesn’t get any better, am I right?!
To access my How to Hygge webinar, sign up in the box below and before you can say “soft candlelight,” you’ll receive the link in your inbox.
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Yes! Teach me How to Hygge!
Please let me know your thoughts on the webinar! I look forward to hearing from you, my hygge-loving Besties!
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