Guys, I love This is Us. And I love GIFs (don’t believe me? Ask the members of
My Self Care Bestie – I’ve been dropping GIFs in our private Facebook group left and right!) And if loving those things are wrong, I don’t wanna be right.
I wanted to share something fun this week, and, since the new season of This is Us just started last week, I have all things Pearson family on the brain.
Additionally, a longtime friend recently asked me what I thought her therapist might have been thinking about her as she listened to my friend’s most personal stories in their first few sessions.
“She was writing a lot. What do you think she was writing? Do you write, Cath? What do you write?”
I told her I don’t usually take notes during a session (a personal preference) for that very reason – it can make a client preoccupied or worried about what I’m writing. “Sometimes,” I told her, “I write down something important a client says that I think we should come back to later. And that’s probably what your therapist is writing, too.”
I think my friend was relieved to hear that her therapist almost certainly wasn’t writing “CRAY CRAY” over and over on her legal pad during their sessions.
Just for giggles (and to pay homage to my fave show), I thought I would answer her question a little more thoroughly (albeit completely tongue-in-cheek) in the form of GIFS from This is Us. Without further ado, I give you: 10 Things Your Therapist Feels During a Session…
When you actually did your homework from the week before…
When you tell us you referred a friend to us…
When we’re explaining an intervention we’re really excited about…
When we’ve told you repeatedly what to try and you say you still haven’t tried it…
When you no call/no show to an appointment with us…
When we’re hitting a little too close to home…
When even we don’t know what to say, but we’re totally here for you…
When you tell us you’re never going to do that one thing that’s not good for you ever again…
When we try to talk “like the kids are talking” to our adolescent clients…
When you tell us you Googled your mental health symptoms…
I hope these could make you grin today, my friends. At the very least, I hope it makes you as excited as I am for tomorrow night at 9 pm! Oh, and if you ever want to talk This is Us, feel free to give me a shout – I’m always up for it! #bigthreeforever
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