
If You Could Change One Thing About Your Life, What Would It Be?

October 8, 2018

Could you help me out with something?  I’m always looking for the best ways to help you, to create blog posts and products that serve you – to educate, inspire, and yes, even entertain you.   In order to best do that, I need to check in with you from time to time – so today, […]

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I'm Cathleen!

I'm a foster + adoptive + bio mama to 4, and a psychotherapist in private practice.  I'm here to help you deal with all the feels on your foster care journey.  Welcome!


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Could you help me out with something?  I’m always looking for the best ways to help you, to create blog posts and products that serve you – to educate, inspire, and yes, even entertain you.  
In order to best do that, I need to check in with you from time to time – so today, I’m asking you to fill out a quickie 5 question survey that will take you less than 5 minutes to complete, but will help me out tremendously in terms of me being able to support and encourage you in the best possible ways.
Since I don’t like asking you to do things that I’m not comfortable doing myself, I’ll even share the five questions ahead of time – and I’ll include my answers.  But don’t worry, your answers will only be seen by me – and they are completely anonymous.  
Ready for the questions?  Here they are:
1. What is the best book you’ve read this past year and why?
2.  What has been the biggest source of stress in your life this past year?
3.  What is one thing you want to accomplish in the next year?
4.  If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?
5.  What product would you love to see me create for you?
That’s it.  Easy peasy, self-care squeezy.  Not sure that’s a thing, but thanks for indulging me.
Ready for my answers?
1.  Aside from the Bible, I’d say Little Women.  I re-read it once a year and it’s like a familiar friend that I never get tired of.  #nerdalert
2.  Mom and wife guilt/shame over not being able to control my mood swings before this happened.  So beyond thankful things are so much better now.
3.  Become foster parents.  Just waiting for that call…
4.  I would not want to stress about money ever again.  To clarify, we have everything we need and more – I literally said to my mom (who worries!) the other day – “I feel so blessed that there’s literally nothing that I want…it would just be nice for things that take us by surprise to not be such a stress.”  Or maybe, that less things would take us by surprise. 😉  Can you relate?
5.  I guess I’ll answer this as what product I would love to create – since writing my first book last November, I’ve been wanting to write another.  I’m also toying with the idea of creating an online course or a private small group class online.  But what I most want to create is seriously whatever would serve you best!  
See?  Easy.  Peasy.  Self-care squeezy.  Ok, now it’s definitely a thing.  If you would be so kind as to tell me about you, you can find the survey here.
Thank you in advance for your help, my friends!  I can’t wait to read all of your responses!  Have a wonderful week!

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I'm Cathleen, your new (foster) mom friend.

I'm also a psychotherapist in private practice who wants to teach my fellow foster mamas the skills that ACTUALLY work to overcome stress, anxiety and overwhelm...'cause ain't nobody got time for that!

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