31 Days to Managing Your Moods

Besties, I want to share some very exciting news with you:  I wrote a book!  And you can read it if you want!  As you may have guessed, it’s a self-care book, and more specifically, it’s a book about how to manage your moods.   Based on my most popular blog posts, 31 Days to Managing […]



What to Tell Your Kids Before Your First Foster Child Arrives

the kids

Does the Bible Talk About Fostering?


Why Your Marriage Matters In Fostering

the parents

How Can I Foster "Well?"

tips + tricks

Hello my friends!  For those of you who celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday, I hope it was a warm and wonderful time with family and friends.  We had an amazing day with extended family and delicious food.  So, so much to be grateful for! With the holiday season in full swing, one thing I’m especially thankful for […]

My 10 Favorite Marriage Books


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Being vulnerable and real with people is amazing.  It fosters deep connection and healthy relationships. However, at times, we may find ourselves venturing from being real to downright complaining without even realizing it.  Convicted of my own sense that I have been complaining a bit more than is healthy or helpful of late, I wanted […]

How To Tell The Truth Without Complaining


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The holiday season is just about upon us, Besties, and I, for one couldn’t be more excited!  As you know, tomorrow is the first day of the 2017 Holiday Self Care Challenge, and I pretty much can’t contain myself at this point.  I have so much goodness in store for you all, not to mention […]

Hyggelig Holiday Decor


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I think it probably goes without saying that the holiday season is all sorts of awesome and all sorts of hectic.  With countless things on our to-do lists, gifts to buy and parties to attend, it seems that the middle of November through the end of December is a frantic whirlwind most years. This year, […]

2017 Holiday Self Care Challenge!


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As I shared with you here, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is one of my all-time favorite movies.  When I first started this blog, (a year ago this month!!) the line “you’re not dying, you just can’t think of anything good to do” really kept coming back to me as the heart of what I wanted […]

What To Do When You Can’t Think Of Anything Good To Do


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You can persevere through whatever you are going through, and yes, even find a hint of beauty in the gloom.   It’s pretty gloomy out my window, but I still see so much beauty, and for that I am grateful.  The trees are certainly losing their glorious leaves, everyday more, and I know my favorite season […]

4 Tools You Need To Persevere, No Matter What You’re Going Through


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I’ll be the first to admit, when it comes to parenting, I don’t have all the answers.  I am a mom in the thick of it, just like all the others.  And although I have more child and adolescent development books in my home library than the average person, when it comes to parenting, it […]

The Counter-intuitive Parenting Trick You’ll Wish You Knew From The Get-Go


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Don’t you love when a certain song has the power to transport you to a particular time and place in your life?  I sure do.  I can think of no other genre of songs with more power to do that in my life than…90’s songs.   And apparently, the 90’s are back!  Or, at least, some […]

My 19 Favorite 90’s Songs


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Hello my friends!  Can we just take a moment to appreciate how delish that smoothie bowl looks?  Just YUM. Because of how busy we’ve been settling into our new house, I must admit my eating habits have been less than stellar.  Stress eating is real.  And while I’m all about giving myself grace when I […]

5 Amazing Smoothie Bowl Recipes


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Ready to turn your stress into strength? 

Take this quick quiz to learn what will help you MOST at this point on your foster care journey (so you won't waste time on what won't!).

FREE quiz for foster mamas: what support do you need right NOW?

Better than Free Ice Cream!

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