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gallery title goes here ::: 2016


Sweet roll liquorice chocolate cake fruitcake pie dessert cookie. Sweet ice cream cookie cake pastry dessert toffee cookie sesame snaps. Croissant tootsie roll pastry cake pastry bonbon sweet. Jelly-o jujubes pastry toffee sugar plum dragée muffin. Brownie jelly-o oat cake toffee chocolate ice cream caramels. Sweet roll candy canes carrot cake powder liquorice marzipan.

Sweet roll liquorice chocolate cake fruitcake pie dessert cookie. Sweet ice cream cookie cake pastry dessert toffee cookie sesame snaps. Croissant tootsie roll pastry cake pastry bonbon sweet. Jelly-o jujubes pastry toffee sugar plum dragée muffin.

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gallery layout option 2 ::: 2016

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get to know me

My name is Cathleen and I'm a licensed clinical social worker in private practice. A common theme among my clients, and I believe in most people, is that they don't practice regular self-care! 

I have a bachelor of arts in psychology from Miami University and a masters of science in social administration (aka social work) from Case Western Reserve University. I've been practicing clinical social work in a variety of settings for 10 years, and I have been in private practice, specializing with adolescents and women for 6 years.

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My name is Cathleen and I'm a licensed clinical social worker in private practice. A common theme among my clients, and I believe in most people, is that they don't practice regular self-care!

I have a bachelor of arts in psychology from Miami University and a masters of science in social administration (aka social work) from Case Western Reserve University. I've been practicing clinical social work in a variety of settings for 10 years, and I have been in private practice, specializing with adolescents and women for 6 years. 

These are a few ways I love to help people love the life they are living:

1. Check-ins via FaceTime, Skype, or phone - or in my Wilton, Connecticut office. Email me today to learn more or schedule.

2. My Self Care Bestie, a monthly subscription workbook/magazine that covers a different mental health, therapy, or wellness topic in each issue. 

3. My ebook, 31 Days To Managing Your Moods

4. My etsy shop, full of fun and easy-to-use self care printables and worksheets. 

Let me know how I can be most helpful to you!

cath is saying, 'hey, you're not alone, you're normal, and things can and will be better if you work on it.' - Sheina G.

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These are a few ways I love to help people love the life they are living:

1. Check-ins via FaceTime, Skype, or phone - or in my Wilton, Connecticut office. Email me today to learn more or schedule.

2. My Self Care Bestie, a monthly subscription workbook/magazine that covers a different mental health, therapy, or wellness topic in each issue.

3. My ebook, 31 Days To Managing Your Moods

4. My etsy shop, full of fun and easy-to-use self care printables and worksheets.

Let me know how I can be most helpful to you!

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keep up with the latest

Each week, I post on a mental health and wellness topic that matters to YOU.  If you have a topic you'd like me to cover, please don't hesitate to let me know!

Hello my friends! One of the topics I get the most questions about is definitely anxiety. Who among us hasn't struggled with anxious thoughts at some point or another? It's a normal part of the human condition, that's for sure.

Before we officially get to the weekend, I wanted to touch base about our thought life. How's it going, Besties? I'm asking because there is a common misconception that people who struggle with intrusive thoughts have OCD.

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dealing with intrusive thoughts

click here to subscribe via email & get your free weekly self-care planner!

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The main reason people give for not being able to practice self care is that they don't have time. But in my experience (both personally and professionally), I think the real problem is we somehow get to a place where we are thriving on our chaos. By that I mean, our frantic lifestyle somehow becomes this warped badge of honor. The badge itself weighs a ton and is almost certainly toxic to our well-being, and yet we tend to flaunt it like it's doing just the opposite. We want people to see that even though we are existing in chaos most of the time, it's ours...and look, I'm still here! I can do it! All by myself! We become too prideful to ask for help or delegate tasks or accept that we aren't actually perfect.

Before I get ahead of myself, let me start by validating this feeling. I truly do get it, as I used to be there myself. A few years ago when I was in the throes of mothering toddlers and babies, I definitely felt like I didn't have time to do anything good just for me. Despite the fact that my husband was a super hands-on dad and was home for dinner and bedtime each night, I still felt like my daily life was all about meeting the needs of everyone else. If someone would have asked me what I was doing to take care of myself, on most days I would laughed and said, "Well...I took a shower today!"
Besties, I beg you...please please please make time for yourselves. Do what you need to do to make sure this happens on a regular basis. Find ways to fit small bits of self care into your day. Find ways to plan for a lengthier self care practice occasionally. Subscribe via email (using the link above!) to get your FREE weekly self care planner...because we all know, if we don't plan for it, it most likely isn't gonna happen!

Who can you ask for help so you can find some extra time in your day just for you? What task can you delegate so you feel freer to have some "me time?" Where can you accept a standard lower than perfection so you can enjoy life a bit more? By simply taking a few focused minutes to consider these things, you will reap the benefits of taking care of you...and so will everyone else in your life. If you're anything like me, you're much better equipped to love and serve others when you are rested and refreshed.



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