
Color Me Happy

December 9, 2016

Happy Friday, Besties!  The weekend is just about here!  I hope you have planned some delightful self care at some point over the weekend.  I was so pumped about making my “happy list” yesterday that I went a little self care crazy and scheduled something fun for each day left in December. I’m particularly looking […]

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I'm Cathleen!

I'm a foster + adoptive + bio mama to 4, and a psychotherapist in private practice.  I'm here to help you deal with all the feels on your foster care journey.  Welcome!


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Happy Friday, Besties!  The weekend is just about here!  I hope you have planned some delightful self care at some point over the weekend.  I was so pumped about making my “happy list” yesterday that I went a little self care crazy and scheduled something fun for each day left in December. I’m particularly looking forward to a pedicure next week.  Haven’t had one in AGES.  
I was having so much fun I had to pump the brakes when I got to January 2017.  But you can bet one of my first acts of the new year will be to fill that month with self care too!  
One of the trendier forms of self care that has surfaced in the past year is coloring.  For adults.  I’m sure you’ve seen the countless adult coloring books out there.  I even posted about one here.  Have any of you tried it?  I’m pretty sure I spent half my childhood coloring (the other half may or may not have been spent watching The Princess Bride).  I could color ALL.  DAY.  LONG.  But I have to admit, I scoffed a bit when the adult coloring books became a thing.  
Until I facilitated countless groups in a rehab hospital where men and women alike told me they loved it.  That it was therapeutic even.  That it was one of their favorite forms of “me time” (aka self care).  Say whaaaat?!

So I tried coloring.  Again.  And not just in my kids’ Paw Patrol coloring books.  Although I’ll be the first to admit, I have done a mean job coloring those pups in my day.  And I don’t know why it surprised me, but I really liked it.  I like that it’s a mindless way to be creative.  Because I really don’t consider myself creative at all.  Interestingly enough, Brene Brown names creativity as one of her 10 guideposts to wholehearted living.  She says creativity is a way to let go of comparison.  Not that I struggle with comparison (cough, cough, yes I do).  
So for any of you besties looking to give coloring a try, here’s a link to 50 free adult coloring pages. 
Happy creating and happy weekend!

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  1. Melanie Sanders says:

    would love self care worksheets for elderly clients

    • Cathleen Bearse says:

      I love that idea, Melanie! Let me know if you have specific topics in mind! In the meantime, have you checked out my etsy shop? There are tons of printables there too!! 🙂

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I'm Cathleen, your new (foster) mom friend.

I'm also a psychotherapist in private practice who wants to teach my fellow foster mamas the skills that ACTUALLY work to overcome stress, anxiety and overwhelm...'cause ain't nobody got time for that!

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