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What Does Prayer Mean To You?


Happy almost New Year, Besties!  I’m so excited to have finally started this site and I’m beyond thrilled to see where it will go in 2017.  My dream for Self Care Bestie is that people would be encouraged to love themselves well so they can in turn love others well.  I truly believe self care is something so many neglect, yet it would change us immensely for the better if we would prioritize that investment in ourselves.  
I want this site to be about alllll the types of self care.  Caring for our bodies, our minds, our souls, cultivating deep relationships, and having so so so much fun.  For those of you following along already, thank you.  The fact that you might find something encouraging or good for you here brings me so much delight.
As 2016 draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on the growth I have experienced this year, and the growth I hope to see in the next.  A very influential fellow social worker, Brene Brown has encouraged me to make 2016 the year I set boundaries and insist that people in my life respect them.  It has been so hard.  But it has been so good.  I’m not quite the pushover I once was when I was trying to make everyone else happy at my own expense.  Brown’s work encouraged me to view setting boundaries as an act of courage and self love. How fantastic is that?!
As I have studied Brown’s work, I have found more and more to love about it. I’m gonna try not to fangirl too hard, but along with movie quotes, you will likely also get a lot of Brene Brown quotes here! One thing I really love is her response when Oprah asked her this question:  “What does prayer mean to you?”
Brown:  “Everything.”
Me too.  Basically Brene Brown and I would be besties if we ever met.
Brown encourages us to let go of our need for certainty (so scary!) and cultivate trusting faith.  According to her extensive research, trusting faith is a pillar of wholehearted living.  I want that!  Anyone else?
Prayer is my lifeline, my connection to my best friend, God, who made me and loves me unconditionally.  Prayer is my trust when things look hopeless, my strength when I’m weak, and my peace when anxiety takes over (here’s looking at you, 2 am).  Prayer is just me talking to God.  Just me listening.  Just us together.  Prayer is my reminder that I am always loved, always thought of, always perfectly understood.  Prayer is my gratitude journal, my hopes for the future and my place of refuge during life’s storms.  It was my self care before I knew what self care was.
As this year comes to an end, I would pose the same question to each of you, my Besties.  What does prayer mean to you?  Don’t be afraid to do a little soul searching…it does us good every now and again.  Prayer can take many forms – a well known prayer you recited growing up, lyrics to a hymn or a quote that is particularly meaningful to you, or just a simple conversation between you and the One who made you.  You can journal your prayers, you can speak them aloud, or you can say them quietly in your heart.  No one way is right, and no one way is wrong.
My wish for all of you in the new year is peace in your hearts and souls, and that you would know how incredibly loved you are.
All the best in 2017!

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