Is anyone else dreaming of traveling more in 2017? Maybe it’s the nasty cold spell we’re having in my neck of the woods, but I am READY to start planning some getaways for the new year!
Today’s Bestie Finds is all about getting outta dodge for a bit! Traveling is one of my favorite types of self care for so many reasons. I love exploring a new place, getting out of the daily grind for a bit, and putting the darn phone down (somehow it’s easier to do while traveling!). Additionally, planning a vacation can be a fun form of self care…and when you get back, you can look through pictures and reminisce about your trip. Essentially a vacation is the self care that keeps on giving!
So whether you’re headed somewhere warm, somewhere cold, somewhere new or somewhere old, I hope you enjoy these fun items to make your travel a little sweeter! And if you’ve got a vacation planned, tell us where you’re headed in the comments!
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