One of the things that made me finally start a blog (after thinking about it forever) was the excitement I felt about being able to discuss
every part of self care – body, mind, soul, fun (because hello, self care should be!), and friendship/relationships. Some of these topics are easier to discuss than others because I doubt I’m going to offend anyone with
funny memes or talking about
yoga. And while I hope not to offend any of my readers with any post, there is a far greater chance for that to happen when we discuss spiritual things. However, another reason why I finally decided to start this blog is the chance for me to practice vulnerability in my own life.
As I have said before, one of the people who has greatly influenced me in this area is
Brene Brown. A majority of Brown’s work centers on vulnerability and wholehearted living. A guidepost, she writes, of wholehearted living is
trusting faith. In her research, Brown found that people who regularly practiced their faith were far more joyful and peaceful than people who were ambivalent about faith. Though it comprises a far smaller sample size than Brown has used, I can say I 100% agree with her findings based on my experiences over the last 9 years as a social worker in schools, a rehab hospital, hospice, and private practice. Without question, my students, patients, and clients whose faith was very important to them had a much easier time accepting and responding to life’s difficulties.
That said, I recognize that faith can be a deeply personal thing. I want this site to be a place where we can ask questions (without judgment or fear of judgment) and have real conversations about the deeper things of life. But don’t worry, I also still plan to
embarrass myself regularly so things don’t get unbalanced. As with everything you find here, take what works for you and leave the rest.
I’ve compiled a list of 14 spiritual questions that are merely for the sake of provoking thought and discussion. I’m not going to tell you my thoughts or opinions. I just think at some point in life, these are questions we ask ourselves anyway, but perhaps are tempted to quickly push them aside if the answers don’t come easily. Well, my Besties, nothing worth having really does. My encouragement to you is that you would let yourself grapple with these questions and take time to sit with them, even if that may be uncomfortable. If you want to really go the extra mile, you can use these questions as journaling prompts.
No matter where you land with these questions, remember:
“Faith is a place of mystery, where we find the courage to believe in what we cannot see and the strength to let go of our fear of uncertainty.” – Brene Brown
Where do you put the greatest amount of your trust?
Does what you trust in care about you when you hurt?
Does what you trust in ever break your trust or let you down?
How would you define your purpose?
Who or what defines your worth or value?
What does faith mean to you?
How important is faith to you?
How did you see faith (or the absence of faith) modeled for you as a child?
How has your experience watching your family practice faith (or not) affected what you currently believe?
What brings you true peace and joy?
What questions do you currently have about faith?
Do you have a trustworthy source for answering your questions or a safe person to discuss spiritual things with?
What is an obstacle that hinders your faith?
What is one way you can practice trusting faith today?
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