Happy Friday once again!! I hope you have something fun to look forward to and that you’ll get a break from the week. So many of my loved ones and clients lead crazy busy lives. I know things can get hectic for all of us at times. In busy seasons, people will often tell me they don’t have time to practice self love – but in my opinion, they don’t have time not to.
Love for yourself isn’t prideful, selfish, or just a cute little idea for you to pin on a Pinterest board and never think about again (though I’m all about pinning self love ideas that you
do put into practice!). Truth be told, actively growing in love for yourself and nurturing your mind, body, soul, and relationships can prevent mental health problems, the same way a healthy diet and
exercise can prevent heart disease and diabetes.
If we’re honest, most people would admit to “wasting” a bit of time every day, be it a few minutes or an hour. Social media is a huge culprit (and believe me, I’ve been guilty of this too!), but there are lots of time-wasters out there that use up precious minutes – minutes we could be using to intentionally love ourselves, and thereby prevent some of our anxieties, stress, and sadness.
Here are 20 ways you can practice self love today – most of which will take 20 minutes or less of your time. Don’t wait for the weekend to do something to grow in love for yourself. Taking care of you makes you way better equipped to take care of everything else on your plate.
2. Remind yourself that emotions come and go. Whatever you are feeling today is ok. This, too, shall pass.
3. List all the things you love about your appearance.
4. Organize a small space in your home or office to make your life easier in the future.
5. Two words: Bubble Bath!
6. Remind yourself that you are worthy of love (you ARE).
Go outside and breathe in the fresh air for at least 15 minutes.
9. Make a list of things you love to do if time and money were no object. See #1.
10. Make a list of accomplishments you are proud of.
11. Do something new.
12. Take 5 minutes to journal about areas you are struggling in right now. How can you delegate or ask for help in these areas?
14. Take a walk.
15. Make a list of 10 things you are thankful for.
16. Look in the mirror and say “I love you.” Don’t overthink. Just do it. Repeat until you believe it.
17. Throw away 10 items that no longer serve you or bring you joy.
18. Write your favorite aspect of your personality. Journal for a few minutes about how that trait has served you well.
20. Take a nap and/or go to bed early.
Which one are you going to try today? I’m combining #8 and #13 this afternoon, as our weather is unseasonably gorgeous again! Woot woot!!! Enjoy your weekend, my Besties!
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