
Get More Peace and Quiet

May 22, 2017

Welcome to another week of self care posts, my Besties!  I’ve got a lot of good ones planned for you, but I’d like to start the week with a roundup of posts (some written by yours truly, and some not) that will encourage you to get more peace and quiet.   I remember my mom […]

A call to mindfulness for moms
How to keep your anxiety from affecting your kids
How to deal with the unknowns of foster care
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I'm Cathleen!

I'm a foster + adoptive + bio mama to 4, and a psychotherapist in private practice.  I'm here to help you deal with all the feels on your foster care journey.  Welcome!


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Welcome to another week of self care posts, my Besties!  I’ve got a lot of good ones planned for you, but I’d like to start the week with a roundup of posts (some written by yours truly, and some not) that will encourage you to get more peace and quiet.  
I remember my mom often wishing for “peace and quiet” as I was growing up…and with four kids in the house, who could blame her?!  #yourockmom  But even as a definite extrovert, I find myself longing for it, too.  I think we were just made for solitude and silence more than many of us would care to admit.  With that in mind, I will leave you with the following posts full of both encouragement and ideas to get more peace and quiet in your life.  Enjoy!

What is your favorite way to get more peace and quiet in your life?

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  1. Emilie says:

    the link to the restorative yoga link does not take me to yoga poses

    • Showit User says:

      Hi Emilie! Thanks for reaching out! I tried the link and it works but is a bit confusing because the title doesn't appear at the top of the page…if you scroll down a bit you will see the yoga poses. I hope you enjoy them! 🙂

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I'm Cathleen, your new (foster) mom friend.

I'm also a psychotherapist in private practice who wants to teach my fellow foster mamas the skills that ACTUALLY work to overcome stress, anxiety and overwhelm...'cause ain't nobody got time for that!

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