I had to interrupt our regularly scheduled self-care posts to create a self-care post full of something very important: Modern Family Gifs.
Modern Family has got to be one of the best shows ever. It truly came along at just the right season of life for me, as I was a young mom, trying to navigate motherhood, being a wife, and having a life outside the home. From the first time someone recommended I start watching it (usually it takes two or three people telling me I’d love a show before I’m interested enough to give it a try), I was hooked. Every single episode was laugh out loud funny. Just the welcome respite I needed from the craziness of life – and the reminder to not take everything so gosh darn seriously.
Fast forward to today, and my beloved Modern Family is in it’s eleventh and final season. I’ve found myself recording old episodes and binge watching them as a recent form of self-care because they are just. that. good.
Whether or not you share my affinity for all things Pritchett, Dunphy, and Tucker-Pritchett, I’m hoping you’ll get a kick of of these Modern Family gifs, or what I’m affectionately referring to as “10 Times Modern Family Was Self Care #Goals.”
Modern Family Gifs: 10 Times Modern Family Was Self Care #Goals
When your positive self-talk is on point
When you’re pretty much done with other people’s negative drama
When you finally know who you are and you aren’t afraid to OWN it
When you tell your inner critic to just stop already…but nicely
When you’ve been working out consistently and you no longer know your own strength
How you feel when you’re making time for self-care on the regular
When you cancel plans you weren’t excited about anyway to stay home and relax
When you stop saying “I’m fine” and share how you’re REALLY doing
When you recognize that some people are legit cray and you just need to laugh about it
Your therapist, to you when you use a healthy coping skill:
I hope these Modern Family Gifs could bring a smile to your face, my friends! Don’t hesitate to let me know which Modern Family Gifs are your fave too! Sometimes the best self-care is a good laugh. If you’re interested, I also did a silly post using This is Us gifs, and you can find them here!
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