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Embracing Slow Living: A Foster Mama’s Guide to Intentionally Slowing Down this Holiday Season


As foster mamas, we navigate the complex terrain of caregiving, often finding ourselves caught up in the whirlwind of daily tasks and responsibilities. The holiday season, with its festive chaos and endless to-do lists, can exacerbate the already demanding nature of our roles. However, what if this December became the month we collectively committed to slowing everything down? What if we embraced the idea that true peace and joy are within our reach, contingent upon our willingness to care for our minds, bodies, and souls?

In this episode, we’ll explore the concept of slow living and delve into practical ways foster mamas can intentionally slow down during the holiday season. Additionally, we’ll discuss an upcoming opportunity for growth and support with the Good Grief Live Training on December 11th at 8 pm eastern, as well as an exciting month-long celebration featuring daily sales on valuable resources in the Fearless Fostering community.

Understanding Slow Living

Slow living is more than just a trendy concept; it’s a mindset that encourages us to savor each moment, cultivate mindfulness, and prioritize well-being over constant productivity. In the hustle and bustle of foster parenting, it’s easy to get caught up in the never-ending cycle of tasks, appointments, and unforeseen challenges. Slow living invites us to step off this relentless treadmill and reconnect with what truly matters.

As we approach the holiday season, it’s essential to recognize the potential for overwhelm and burnout. By intentionally embracing slow living, we can create a sanctuary of peace within our homes, fostering an environment where both ourselves and the children in our care can thrive.

May this be the month we slow EVERYTHING down as much as possible. May it be the month we realize that the peace and joy we long to feel this time of year are available to us to the extent that we are willing to care for our minds, bodies, and souls as mamas.

Practical Steps for Intentional Slow Living

  1. Mindful Planning: Begin by reassessing your holiday plans. Instead of committing to every invitation and event, choose those that align with your values and bring genuine joy. Simplify your schedule to create space for rest and relaxation.
  2. Embrace Rituals: Introduce simple and meaningful rituals into your daily routine. Whether it’s a morning meditation, an evening walk, or a shared gratitude practice with your foster children, these rituals can ground you and your family in the present moment.
  3. Set Boundaries: Foster moms often find it challenging to set boundaries, especially during the holiday season. Learn to say no to additional commitments that may compromise your well-being. Prioritize self-care and communicate your needs with those around you.
  4. Digital Detox: Consider a digital detox during specific hours of the day or on designated days. Limiting screen time can help create a peaceful atmosphere and allow for more meaningful connections with your family.
  5. Reflect and Release: Take time to reflect on the past year, acknowledging both the triumphs and challenges. Practice forgiveness, letting go of any guilt or self-imposed expectations. Allow this season to be a time of renewal and a fresh start.

Good Grief Live Training on December 11th at 8 pm Eastern

In the spirit of intentional living and support, I’m thrilled to announce the upcoming Good Grief Live Training on December 11th at 8 pm Eastern. This training will provide valuable insights and strategies for navigating the emotional complexities that can arise in foster parenting. Join me for an evening of connection, learning, and empowerment as we explore the importance of processing grief in our unique roles.

Month-Long Celebration: Daily Sales in the Shop

To add an extra layer of excitement to this month of intentional living, I’m hosting a month-long celebration with daily sales in my shop. What makes it even more thrilling is that the prices are chosen by a random number generator each day! This means you have the chance to snag resources like my Fearless Fostering group coaching program, Embrace the Unknown Support Bundle, and my Foster Mama Starter Kit at unbelievable prices.

I invite you to check the store daily for updated sale prices all this month. The link to everything mentioned in this episode is in the episode description, allowing you to explore these incredible deals as you listen to this message (just make sure you’re not driving!).

As foster mamas, we have the power to transform the holiday season into a time of intentional joy, connection, and rejuvenation. By embracing slow living and prioritizing our well-being, we can create a nurturing environment for ourselves and the children in our care. I look forward to connecting with you at the Good Grief Live Training on December 11th and celebrating this special month with daily sales in the shop.

May this December be a time of intentional slow living, fostering peace and joy within our homes and hearts.

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