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Foster Care Delays: Top 3 Areas to Stay Focused On


You’ve been waiting for over a year now (maybe even longer)  and yet there’s still no end in sight. Your foster care case seems to be dragging on indefinitely.

You might be wondering: why does this happen? There are several reasons. Legal complications can throw a wrench in the process, causing unanticipated delays. Caseworkers, often managing way too many caseloads at once can get overloaded, resulting in extended timelines. And then there’s time given/added/extended for the biological family to work their case plans, a complex process that can add months, or even years to your wait.

It’s a challenging period, filled with feelings of frustration, uncertainty, and worry. Each day may feel like a test of your patience and resolve, but it’s important to remember that you’re not the only one going through this. Many foster mamas have walked this path before. While the wait can be overwhelming, remember that you are not alone.

Here are three things you can focus on when your foster care case is taking longer than expected:

Concentrate on providing a stable and nurturing envirnonment for the kids in your care

This is of paramount importance. Children in foster care often come from backgrounds of instability and unpredictability. They are in dire need of a safe, secure space where they can just be kids. This starts with maintaining a routine: regular meals, consistent bedtimes, and a structured day help to create a sense of normalcy. It’s like a rythm, a beat that they can tune into, and it helps them to feel secure.

But this nurturing environment goes beyond the physical. Emotional support is just as essential. These kids might have faced difficult experiences that they are still grappling with. They might act out, they might retreat, they might display behaviors that are hard to understand. Here’s where your patience and understanding come into play. Imagine if you were in their shoes…the world would seem like a scary, unpredictable place. That’s why it’s important to foster a sense of belonging. Make them feel loved and accepted, no matter what. Encourage them to express themselves, to share their feelings and fears, to know that their voice is heard and valued. And remember: it’s not about perfection. It’s about love, patience, and consistency. It’s about creating a safe space where they can heal, grow, and thrive.

Keep up with all necessary communication and paperwork

This might seem daunting, but it’s crucial. Stay proactive in your interactions with the child’s caseworker and any other involved parties (GAL, attorney, CASA, etc.). Keeping lines of communication open and staying on top of the paperwork can help to expedite the process. It’s about being the advocate for your child, making sure their needs are met, their voice is heard. It’s about navigating the system for them, fighting for their rights, ensuring they get the best possible care. Remember: every little step you take in these areas is a step towards a better future for the kids in your care. And that, my friend, is what it’s all about.

Prioritize self-care

It’s easy to forget about your own needs when you’re focused on caring for kids from hard places. But remember, you are the pillar of strength for your kiddo, and to be that pillar, you need to be in your best physical, emotional, and spiritual shape. The significance of self-care cannot be understated. It plays a crucial role in maintaining your physical health and emotional well-being. Think of it as recharging your battery so you can continue to give your best.

There are many ways to practice self-care. It could be as simple as taking a brisk walk around the block, maintaining a balanced diet, or even treating yourself to your favorite book or movie. Seeking support from friends, fellow foster parents, or support groups can also be tremendously beneficial. Don’t forget to take time for relaxation and to pursue your hobbies. These activities are not indulgences, they’re necessities. Remember: taking care of yourself isn’t selfish, it’s essential. You can’t pour from an empty cup.

While these suggestions can help, I know that every foster care case is unique and comes with its own set of challenges. That’s why I’ve created the Foster Mentor Academy. Imagine having a platform where you can share your unique experiences, voice your concerns, and offer meaningful solutions. In Foster Mentor Academy, you’ll learn how to share your story in a way that resonates with others (while protecting the privacy of your kids and their first families). You’ll learn how to create valuable resources for the foster care/adoption community. As you grow and develop within the program, you’ll also discover ways to increase your impact and income as a foster parent.

After you watch the training, you’ll have exclusive access to the Foster Mentor Academy Facebook group where you’ll be connected to a group of foster and adoptive mamas with the same goals.

PLUS, I’ll be adding a new video training to the Facebook group each month on topics like branding, marketing, story-telling, and content creation so you’ll know exactly what to do to make sure the right people are seeing your content and opting in for your resources!

AND!! I’ll be holding monthly office hours via Zoom on the 15th of each month at 8 pm eastern/7 central/6 mountain/5 pacific time to answser any questions you have that pop up along the way!

Aka: You will have ZERO EXCUSES not to do the darn thing! 😜

Community? ✅

Accountability? ✅

Support? ✅

My goal with this progam is to not only teach you how to share your story (and wisdom!) with the foster and adoptive parents who are crying out from lack of support, but also to help you help them by getting more tangible resources out there STAT!

(I promise it’s not as difficult as you may think!)


  • Access to my Foster Mama Starter kit which you can become an affiliate for and get 40% profits for each course sold.
  • Access to my “Setting Up Your Online Store” guide which you can use to set up YOUR online store, then resell for 100% profit.

You will walk away from this challenge knowing EXACTLY how to support foster and adoptive parents online AND create an additional revenue stream for yourself!🎉


You’ll get access to the Foster Mentor Academy training and Setting Up Your Online Store Guide immediately after you purchase as well as access to the private Facebook group. The Zoom link for office hours will be emailed to you each month, 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Questions? Email I can’t wait to support you inside Foster Mentor Academy!


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