20 Writing Prompts To Spark Your Creativity

Writing is my jam.  I love it.  In elementary school, I would write pages and pages for every assignment.  I was writing “chapter books” by 3rd grade.  Also an avid reader as a child, as soon as I would find myself nearing the end of a Boxcar Children or Babysitter’s Club book, you better believe […]



What to Tell Your Kids Before Your First Foster Child Arrives

the kids

Does the Bible Talk About Fostering?


Why Your Marriage Matters In Fostering

the parents

How Can I Foster "Well?"

tips + tricks

Real talk:  I think I’m in love…with Therabox. Therabox is a subscription self-care box and it has me officially wowed.  Allow me to share a few reasons why I’m loving this box o’ goodness and then I’ll tell you just what was so amazing about the March box.  By the end of this post, you’ll […]

Therabox March 2018 Review


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Self-care is about caring for your mind, body, and soul.  It’s about cultivating healthy relationships and having FUN.  Because I love chips and chocolate I’m a psychotherapist, it’s definitely easier for me to focus on the mind, soul, relationships and fun on this here blog.  But I also have a fear that whenever I write […]

15 Health And Fitness Goals That Have Nothing To Do With Your Weight


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Perhaps March Madness being in full swing  has me thinking about coaching techniques of late, but whatever the reason, there are actually a lot of things we can learn as parents from best practices in coaching.  Many people who were athletes as a child or adolescent would call a coach one of the most influential […]

3 Simple Coaching Techniques To Use With Your Kids


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Well it may be March, but we have just had a wicked nor’easter pass through, gifting us with 22 inches of snow, so needless to say, it still feels like winter around these parts.  I won’t complain (too much), because ever since I discovered hygge, winter is actually not so bad!  Sure, it’s cold and […]

15 Hygge Lifestyle Photos To Encourage Your Hygge Addiction


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Hello my friends!  One of the topics I get the most questions about is definitely anxiety.  Who among us hasn’t struggled with anxious thoughts at some point or another?  It’s a normal part of the human condition, that’s for sure…but that doesn’t mean we have to stand by idly and do nothing about it. Enter, […]

FREE Reducing Anxiety 5-Day Email Course

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Friends, we don’t have to look too far or for too long to realize the world is full of hurting people.  As a mental health professional, it is something I am acutely aware of, but even in my roles as mom and volunteer Young Life leader, I have seen and heard so many hurting people’s […]

19 Signs Of Depression (And How To Cope With Them)


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If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you know, I’m pretty much hygge-obsessed. The Danish and Norwegian lifestyle incorporating coziness, warmth, special times and togetherness has essentially become #selfcaregoals to me.  I’ve been known to peruse #hygge on Instagram just for fun, and to learn more ways to incorporate hygge into my life.  […]

Learn How To Hygge: Free Hygge Webinar!


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Ah, Monday…perhaps the toughest day of the week for many of us.  Our weekend fun is behind us and our to-do lists loom in front of us without a day off in sight.  There’s a reason why some people have a weekly struggle with “a case of the Mondays.”  (Note:  if you happen to have […]

10 Amazing Quotes That Encourage A Positive Mindset


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It feels like it’s been forever since I’ve done a healthy eating post, possibly because my own eating habits have been less than stellar as of late.  #total honesty  That said, I started this blog to write about things as an encouragement to others, but also to myself.  So here we are.  Today’s post is […]

Exactly What To Eat To Eat Healthy


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Ready to turn your stress into strength? 

Take this quick quiz to learn what will help you MOST at this point on your foster care journey (so you won't waste time on what won't!).

FREE quiz for foster mamas: what support do you need right NOW?

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