I can’t believe it’s the second week of May already! You know what that means…summer will be here before we know it! I know, I know…summer doesn’t officially start until June 21, but I can’t help it. There’s just so many special things about those glorious months of sunny days, vacations, and family time. […]
Hello and happy Friday, my Besties! As I shared yesterday, it has been a crazy week for our family, but we have realized just how much we have to be thankful for. I love writing about gratitude, mostly because the longer I’m alive, the more I realize how amazingly powerful it is to practice gratitude. […]
Every once in awhile, we all need a reminder to live life to the fullest. Anne Lamott has an extraordinarily simple way of thinking about life: “I say to myself, ‘okay, hmmm. Let’s see. Dying tomorrow. What should I do today?” That may sound pretty crazy, pretty morbid, or pretty extreme. It may sound impractical, […]
I was watching a TED Talk the other day and the speaker shared that despite being arguably the most connected society to ever exist, we are one of the loneliest societies that has ever been. Do you agree? I certainly see a lot of lonely people in my office, in the high school students I […]
I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! I’m back today with a big ol’ list of ways to be creative. “Why should I be creative?” you might be asking. Good question. Because creativity is a cure for perfectionism. And nobody likes perfectionism – if they’re honest, that is. If you’re the perfectionist you don’t […]
Wahoo for Friday, right?! My fam has got a busy weekend, full of fun plans, and the weather is going to be nice and warm, so I’ve got all the happy feels up in here! Before I sign off for the weekend, I want to leave you with a post that addresses cognitive distortions. Cognitive […]
Hello, hello!! I’m so excited today because this post…as in the one you are currently reading is my 100th!! Yay! I tend to fly by the seat of my pants sometimes and I know five months ago when I started this blog my loved ones were super excited for me, but they also maybe […]
Greetings, my friends! I hope all of you are having easy, breezy, stress-free days. But for those of you who may be finding yourselves with a to-do list a mile long and not enough hours in the day to complete it (I hear you!), this post is for you. It’s so easy to let stress […]
I love mornings – I’m an early bird by nature. I love the promise of a new day and the first breath of fresh air I get to take. But I know not all of my Besties may feel the same way, and there’s no shame in that. But we all have to wake up […]
Last week I shared this Albert Einstein quote on Instagram: “There are two ways to live; as if nothing is a miracle, or as if everything is a miracle.” I know I want to be in the latter camp. There is so much that I have seen that helps me believe that anything is possible. […]