Conquer Court Day Anxieties: Join My Live Training on July 11th!

Court days can be nerve-wracking for foster parents, filled with uncertainty and anxiety. If you find yourself dreading these important proceedings, you’re not alone. But I got your back, foster mama – I  have the perfect solution to help you overcome those common court day anxieties and approach these events with confidence and peace of […]

Tips + Tricks


What to Tell Your Kids Before Your First Foster Child Arrives

the kids

Does the Bible Talk About Fostering?


Why Your Marriage Matters In Fostering

the parents

How Can I Foster "Well?"

tips + tricks

Being a foster mama is a unique and rewarding experience, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. The ups and downs of foster care can be overwhelming at times, leaving us feeling isolated and unsure of where to turn for support. That’s why I am thrilled to introduce you to the Fearless […]

The Power of Community: Navigating Your Foster Care Journey Together


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On July 11th of last year, my husband and I embarked on a trip to California to celebrate our 40th birthdays. It was a long-awaited vacation that we had meticulously planned for years. We had taken care of all the necessary foster care arrangements, informing our caseworker and support worker well in advance and receiving […]

Finding Strength in Community: My Fearless Fostering Journey


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Foster parenting is a unique and rewarding journey that comes with its own set of challenges and triumphs. It’s a path filled with love, growth, and the opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of vulnerable children and their families. While every foster parent’s experience is different, one thing remains constant – the […]

The Power of Connection: Why Foster Parents Need Like-Minded Support


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Becoming a foster parent is a remarkable journey that involves providing love, care, and support to vulnerable children. As a foster parent, your role is crucial in shaping the lives of these children and helping them overcome the challenges they face. One of the key factors that can enhance your ability to be an effective […]

The Power of Education and Training: Why Foster Parents Should Make Time for Learning

The Parents

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If you’re reading this post, you likely already know that he journey of foster care is not without its challenges. One such hurdle that can be particularly stressful for foster parents is navigating the court system. Court proceedings can be overwhelming, emotionally draining, and filled with uncertainty. In this post, I’ll share some reasons why […]

Navigating the Stress of Court as a Foster Parent: How to Cope and Advocate

Tips + Tricks

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Mindfulness for foster parents

Foster parenting is an incredible and rewarding journey, filled with challenges and joys. Caring for children who have experienced trauma requires immense compassion, patience, and resilience. In the midst of this demanding role, fostering a mindfulness practice can have a profound impact on both foster parents’ well-being and the children in their care. Mindfulness offers […]

The Transformative Power of Mindfulness for Foster Parents


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foster care mistakes

  In foster care, we don’t know what we don’t know…but when we know better, we can do better. Today I’m sharing four things I wish I would have done differently from the get-go, but now I will preach these all day, errrry day to the foster mamas I serve! Let me know which one […]

Avoid These Foster Care Mistakes

Tips + Tricks

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about foster care

  I’m here to tell you the truth, and nothing but the truth, foster mama (or prospective foster mama).  I firmly believe that when we talk abut ALL of foster care (the good, the bad, and yes, even the ugly), we are better preparing prospective foster parents for the path ahead.  As you read through […]

4 Hard Truths About Foster Care

Foster Care

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Most foster parents think of fostering no differently than everyday life once they settle into a routine.   But nothing about foster care is “normal,” no matter how long you’ve been a foster parent.   In fact, a lot of the “day to day” of foster care keeps us in a state of hypervigilance and […]

Stop Ignoring Foster Mama Trauma

Coping Skills

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