How To Find Time For Self Care

  By far one of the questions I get most as a therapist is: how do I find time for self-care?  Trust me, I’ve been there – way back before I started this here blog, I was in the same boat…scrambling to find time for me in a day, just so I wouldn’t be constantly […]



What to Tell Your Kids Before Your First Foster Child Arrives

the kids

Does the Bible Talk About Fostering?


Why Your Marriage Matters In Fostering

the parents

How Can I Foster "Well?"

tips + tricks

ways to activate your parasympathetic nervous system

  While I typically steer away from talking about the science-y aspect of self-care and stress relief, I have recently found myself talking about ways to activate the parasympathetic nervous system with people in both my personal and professional life.  I’m teaching clients and friends (and myself!) that it’s important to not only prioritize self-care, […]

20 Ways to Activate your Parasympathetic Nervous System

Mental Health

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restorative yoga

What is restorative yoga? Restorative yoga is a type of yoga I’m just learning about, even though it’s nothing new to most seasoned yogis, of which, I would definitely NOT consider myself one. However, I do love yoga.  And whenever I practice it, I’m always so glad I did! The goal of restorative yoga is […]

What is Restorative Yoga?


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how to deal with pandemic anxiety

The question I’ve been getting more and more the past few days as I’ve been going live on Instagram and Facebook is: “How do I deal with pandemic anxiety?” Sure, there are lots of other, more specific questions wrapped up in that one, such as: “What if schools don’t open up in the fall?” “What […]

How to Deal with Pandemic Anxiety


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Mind mapping for stress relief

  As I shared just the other night in my free class, “How to Stop Yelling at the People You Love,” (p.s. you can catch the entire replay HERE), mind-mapping is one of the go-to tools I suggest to clients to deal with stress and anxiety. Why? Because mind-mapping is essentially a mini-therapy session – […]

Mind Mapping for Stress and Anxiety Relief


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how to stop yelling

  Friends, how are you?  It’s been a while since I’ve written a post and let me tell you – as a now mama of FOUR busy babes, I have had my hands (and my heart) FULL! But I HAD to write you today to let you know that I’m teaching a FREE class tomorrow […]

How to Stop Yelling at the People You Love


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adjust your sails

    I found this pertinent quote by Elizabeth Edwards after frantically googling “adjust your sails” quote.  I wanted to be sure I got it just right, because a quarantine of unknown length is no time to mince words of encouragement. If you’ve been keeping up with me on social media lately, you know I’ve […]

How to Adjust Your Sails in Stormy Weather


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journaling prompt for anxiety

  I’m a huge fan of journaling in all the circumstances, but I especially love a good journaling prompt for anxiety, and that’s exactly what I want to share with you today.  But I’ll get to that in just a minute. In the interest of keeping it all the way real, I have to be […]

Be The Hero: A Journaling Prompt For Anxiety


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today was supposed to be different

  Today was supposed to be different, my son.  For weeks, we had been planning today.  We would wake up, surrounded by friends and family from out of state and celebrate.  We were supposed to be jumping up and down with excitement, saying things like “today’s the day!” as we drank our morning coffee.  We […]

Today Was Supposed to be Different


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how to set boundaries without

  Nowadays, it seems like everyone (or at least a lot of people) are talking about boundaries.  I credit Brene Brown, but the truth of the matter is, the topic of boundaries is as old as the Garden of Eden. In my years as a therapist (and as a human!), I’ve found that the main […]

How To Set Boundaries Without Feeling Like a Jerk


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Ready to turn your stress into strength? 

Take this quick quiz to learn what will help you MOST at this point on your foster care journey (so you won't waste time on what won't!).

FREE quiz for foster mamas: what support do you need right NOW?

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