The holiday season is just about upon us, Besties, and I, for one couldn’t be more excited! As you know, tomorrow is the first day of the 2017 Holiday Self Care Challenge, and I pretty much can’t contain myself at this point. I have so much goodness in store for you all, not to mention […]
I think it probably goes without saying that the holiday season is all sorts of awesome and all sorts of hectic. With countless things on our to-do lists, gifts to buy and parties to attend, it seems that the middle of November through the end of December is a frantic whirlwind most years. This year, […]
As I shared with you here, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is one of my all-time favorite movies. When I first started this blog, (a year ago this month!!) the line “you’re not dying, you just can’t think of anything good to do” really kept coming back to me as the heart of what I wanted […]
Don’t you love when a certain song has the power to transport you to a particular time and place in your life? I sure do. I can think of no other genre of songs with more power to do that in my life than…90’s songs. And apparently, the 90’s are back! Or, at least, some […]
If you follow me on Instagram, you already heard the big news: we’re moving! Exactly one month from today, we are packing up our lives and moving…five minutes away from where we currently live. It’s a loooong story (and pretty boring really) so I’ll spare you the details, but all you really need to know […]
If you’ve been reading my lil blog for any length of time, you know I love movies, and especially quoting movies. The movies I quote the most are definitely my favorite movies, including, but not limited to: The Princess Bride, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, and Coming to America. Yet my most oft quoted line doesn’t […]
Well, hello my Besties! Is anyone else going a bit cuckoo with the whirl of back to school? No lie, I’ve been up since 3:45 am because there is just so. much. going. on. Today was my older son’s first day back and I’m just hoping he got a better night’s sleep than his mama! […]
It feels like forever since I’ve given you some Bestie finds, so I’m happy to be sharing some self care fun with you! Today’s picks are awesome books and journals I found on Amazon…and one sweet lil’ printable from my Etsy shop! A little shameless self promotion never hurt anyone, right? 😉 But seriously, the printable […]
Marmee March is, without a doubt, my favorite literary character of all time. And not only that, but I kind of want to be her. She is full of kindness, goodness, wisdom, and grace. She is loving, just, and sweet. I doubt she ever had a #momfail. Well, actually she admitted to Jo that her […]
There’s nothing like a board game to bring friends and family together and help the whole crew have a good time. Playing is something that adults spend far too little time doing. Most adults probably can’t remember the last time they played a board game – but games are so much fun and they really […]