
Dealing With Sadness When a Friendship Ends

March 4, 2019

It’s of the utmost importance to me to write about what you want to know about.  So when a dear reader (and member of My Self Care Bestie) reached out to me regarding feelings of sadness she sometimes still experiences over a good friendship that ended a while ago, my heart went out to her.  […]

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I'm Cathleen!

I'm a foster + adoptive + bio mama to 4, and a psychotherapist in private practice.  I'm here to help you deal with all the feels on your foster care journey.  Welcome!


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It’s of the utmost importance to me to write about what you want to know about.  So when a dear reader (and member of My Self Care Bestie) reached out to me regarding feelings of sadness she sometimes still experiences over a good friendship that ended a while ago, my heart went out to her.  I don’t know anyone who has lived to be my age and has never had a friendship fizzle.  And sometimes they do more than fizzle.  Sometimes they go up in flames.  But either way, the question remains:  what do we do with those residual feels once it’s all said and done?

As someone who has been through this exact situation more times than I wish to recall, I can relate.  In high school, my best friend at the time essentially “broke up with me” for lack of a better phrase out of the blue, and for no good reason (that I was ever aware of) right before senior year started.  I still remember sobbing my eyes out in the fetal position on the couch, while my mom and sister made me tea and tried to comfort me.  In college, I had a dear friend who I did ministry with just kind of stop returning my calls or texts and faded away into doing life without me.  It made me more frustrated than sad, as again, there was no falling out, it was more of a growing different ways type of situation.  In my adult years, I have had a few friendships that I thought were solid and deep, only to later discover that insecurity, and mental illness would get in the way big time, and we would have to part ways…for my own health and sanity.  It was no fun at all…but I got through it, and my relationships are healthier now more than ever because I was willing to do the harder thing and set some very necessary boundaries.

The truth is, no matter what the circumstances are around a friendship ending, it’s never fun.  So even if others tell you (or you tell yourself), “it’s their loss,” it’s also yours.  Aside from losing a person whom you used to share so much with, you’ve also lost what was.  You’ve lost how things were when things were good, and I must say, that is probably the most difficult loss of all.

For all of my friendships that have ended, I am thankful to have so many more that have stood the test of time.  And my guess is you do, too.  For all the time you could spend wondering what went wrong or if there was anything you could have done to make a person stay friends with you, you could be appreciating the close relationships you do still have, and pouring into them.

I know it’s not easy, dear friend.  These things take time, and the pain might never fully subside, though it will ease considerably with the passing of time.  In the meantime, here are some things you can do to cope with the sadness you’re feeling over the friendship you lost:

Remember the good times

You can honor the past you shared with this person by being intentional about fondly remembering the great things about your friendship and happy memories you shared.  It’s often easier to let your current emotions about the relationship cloud your memory of how things were, but try not to.  Look at photos and bring a smile to your lips, remembering how full that person made your life at the time.  There’s no need to harbor bitterness or resentment when things end…those burdens will weigh you down and break you, if you let them.

Write them a letter

If you feel you have unfinished business with the friend in question, write them a letter.  I don’t recommend you send it, but just write out what you want to say.  Write what you need to say.  Don’t hold back.  This is for you, not them, and it will help you get some closure, if that’s something that would be helpful for you.

Count your blessings

Look at the most recent photos on your phone – who are you with?  What are you doing?  I bet there are happy times documented there – times that have happened in the here and now.  Don’t waste your precious life wishing for something that has completely changed or faded away.  Instead, be grateful for the people who are with you and for you in this season of life.  There’s a reason they’re here and not the others, even if the reason doesn’t make total sense to you right now.

Be mindful that everything changes

Oh my goodness, this is a big one.  There is an impermanence to just about everything in this life, and the sooner we come to grips with that, the less we will suffer.  People change – your friends do, and so do you.  Circumstances change – life gets busier, or less busy.  Priorities change – your focus and their focus may shift to places you never could have foreseen.  Make space for that.  Let it be how it is right now, today.

I wish you the very best and for all your heartaches to heal.  Sometimes, as a therapist, the most powerful thing I can say to people is: I don’t know what to say, but I’m right here.

Perhaps that’s what you need to hear today.  Let me know if I can help in any other way.

I’m right here.

P.S. Get your FREE guide to reducing negative self-talk here!



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  1. Dianne Coffey says:

    Beautifully said and just what I needed to hear. Some of your words, advice will go alone way and it makes me appreciate the friendships that I have stood the test of time.

    Thank you❤️

  2. Amy Pond says:

    Thank you 😔
    I’m currently trying to release my payment from losing my best friend. We both are 41 years old now. We meet and became close at the age of 5. Our families intertwined, or lives were built around each other. Now, she has befriended my ex-husband and his new wife. The thing I’m really stuck on, is the fact that she came to me a year prior to my knowledge of any martial problems, and asked,”I don’t know who I’d be friends with if you ever got divorced, you or your husband”. Just wow. There are so many things strange about this. Well, I guess she decided. But, why can’t I let her go so easily?
    Again, thank you for the read.

    • Cathleen Bearse says:

      I’m so so sorry to hear that – it’s so incredibly difficult. And for her to say that to you – YIKES. I think it’s ok to be gentle with yourself in where you are in the letting go process. THe injustice of her “choosing” your ex-husband is probably complicating things in a way. Sending you a hug!

  3. Rachel says:

    My niece and I are only 9 years apart. We grew up like sisters and became best friends. We did everything together. We were each others maid of honor. Slowly she started drifting away. I tried to pretend everything was fine. I went on vacation with my sister and my niece’s and nephews. She barely said two words to me the whole 10 days except when we got in a fight. Three months later I wrote her a letter explaining how I felt. She never acknowledged it. A year and half later we got in a fight over my dad’s medical issues and I came out and asked why she never answered to my letter she said (along with some other very hurtful things) that the letter was gross and disturbing. I said I’m sorry my feelings were gross and I walked away. Haven’t talked to her since. She has blocked me on soilcal media. And won’t come to any holidays with me there. How do I get over 28 years of a family friendship like that?

  4. Kelly says:

    Thank you for the words of sweet encouragement. They helped my aching heart. I betrayed the trust of my friend in a panicked phone call to her sister when I learned she had been rushed to the hospital. Her husband posted it asking for prayers instead of calling me. When I called her sister because I got no answer on my friend or her alcoholic husband’s phone, I asked if she knew what had happened and if he had hurt her “”again”. Big mistake! She had not confided in the sister whose only recently healed relationship had no idea what I was asking! I tried to downplay but it was too late. When I finally got to speak to her I came right out and told her what I had done, begging her to
    Forgive me. I know I have apologized at least 7-8 times. Its been almost two week’s. I know its over but I want her to understand it was not intentional.

  5. Peggy says:

    Your article was quite helpful. A year after my boyfriend of 7 yrs blew up our relationship, my best friend exited my life. It was devastating. This article helped put it in a more practical perspective. I am working on moving forward without anger and bitterness.

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