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4 Hard Truths About Foster Care


about foster care


I’m here to tell you the truth, and nothing but the truth, foster mama (or prospective foster mama).  I firmly believe that when we talk abut ALL of foster care (the good, the bad, and yes, even the ugly), we are better preparing prospective foster parents for the path ahead.  As you read through these four hard truths about foster care, is there anything you’d add to the list?

1. When you foster, you invite hardship into your life

Signing up to foster means signing up for a more difficult life path, plain and simple.  But difficult things are worth it, and we are not called to protect ourselves at the expense of others.


2. Both “The System” and the world are broken

So much of foster care doesn’t make sense: court decisions, DCF mandates, etc. We aren’t here to fix the system or the world.  We are just here to love.


3. Your family will be affected

Foster care affects the WHOLE family, naturally.  There will be difficult things your bio/adopted kids have to deal with as foster siblings, but there will also be incredible joy and growth for all to share.


4. You will never be “done”

Once you step into the world of foster care, you never fully “step out.” In some way, shape, or form, you will always advocate and educate, even when you stop fostering because you can’t “unsee” the need.

If you’re looking for more support on your foster care journey, tune into the Fearless Fostering podcast, where I share weekly education and encouragement for foster mamas!


P.S. Looking for some immediate anxiety relief as you foster?  Click here to get my FREE 5 day anxiety reducing email course delivered to your inbox STAT!

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