How’s that picture for a happy Friday view? Yes, my Besties, that’s the gorgeous Grand Canyon. My husband and I decided to go see what all the fuss was about on my grad school spring break. Needless to say, we were not disappointed. The Grand Canyon is one of those places where you feel like […]
I hope you are having a great week so far! It’s been a bit of a rough one for us, as 3/4 of my household has battled with a stomach bug…Mama is the only one yet to be stricken – and you can bet I’m praying with all my might that this germ-nado passes me […]
Welcome to another edition of Bestie Finds! These posts are my chance to keep things a little lighter, a little more playful and fun, so I love putting them together! This week’s self care products are all about keeping life so fresh and so clean (clean). I’ve got the windows open over here and it […]
Almost every day, the first thing I pray in the morning is “Lord, thank you for the gift of today.” I’m fully aware He is the Giver of this day, like all the others. He didn’t have to gift me with it. By His grace alone I am still here. For a purpose. On purpose. […]
Hello my dear Besties! I’m sorry I’ve been MIA the past few days…you know, spring break has a way of doing that! But not to worry, I’ll be back in full swing next week, and I’ve got lots of fun ideas for posts! For today, I’d like to address a topic that many of […]
I’ve worked in a lot of mental health care settings and if there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that boredom is a huge trigger for most people. Whatever it is they struggle with, from eating disorders to addiction to various other unhealthy coping methods, being bored is one of the number one reasons people cite […]
Hey there, Besties! I hope your weekend was wonderful! I’m coming atcha live from Spring Break ’17! Our days so far have been filled with family time, lots of fun, but very little sleep, as my littlest boy has adopted the habit of waking mama up 5-6 times per night. Needless to say, both of […]
Happy Friday, my Besties! It’s an extra happy one for me, as our spring break starts after school today! Woot! While we don’t have any tropical getaways planned, we are pumped to spend time with family and friends we don’t get to see nearly as often as we would like! Today’s Bestie Finds are […]
“I want to leave a legacy, how will they remember me? Did I choose to love? Did I point to you enough to make a mark on things, I want to leave an offering…and leave that kind of legacy.” Those lyrics from Nichole Nordeman’s song, Legacy resonate so deeply with me. I often wonder…am I making […]
By now, I’m sure you all know about the paleo diet, right? Also known as the caveman diet, it helps people eat leaner and cleaner by asking the question, “WWACE?” What Would A Caveman Eat? 😉 If Fred Flintstone wouldn’t have had access (here’s looking at you cheese, processed sugar, and grains), you shouldn’t be […]