Merry Christmas (a few days early)! I’ll be taking the rest of the weekend off to celebrate with family so I wish you all a lovely holiday full of comfort, joy, and peace! May you make beautiful memories with those you hold most dear. Before I sign off for the long weekend, I wanted to […]
Hello there, Besties! I’ve got a busy day ahead – my to-do list from yesterday went untouched as my youngest son got sick and needed mama all day. Thankfully, he’s feeling much better and I’ve got those 3.5 glorious preschool hours to kick my list’s BUM (can you tell I’m a mom?). If any of […]
There’s something about this time of year that just fills people with goodwill. Generally speaking, people are more charitable and aware of the needs of those less fortunate than them. I love it. My sister just told me this morning that a stranger paid for she and her husband’s lunch the other day and left […]
I can’t believe Christmas is less than a week away! It’s exciting but I must be honest…there are a few last minute things I need to do to be 100% ready. Anyone else still have a wee bit of shopping left to do? With the holiday season in full swing, I have seen countless articles […]
How’s your weekend going, Besties? Looking out my window, it’s a gorgeous scene as everything has been freshly blanketed in snow. I hope you are all staying cozy and warm, wherever you may be. I wonder how many of us are struggling with patience this time of year? Schedules and to-do lists are full, […]
It’s FriYAY, Besties! Today I want to share why I love Snapchat for staying connected to friends and family who live far away. I already told you why connection is important (especially during this busy time of year). And we also discussed that ideally, we would connect in person/over FaceTime/on the phone. But sometimes our days […]
10 days till Christmas, Besties! Not sure how in the world that happened, but the excitement in our house is growing every day. Today’s Bestie Finds would all make perfect holiday gifts…or they would make wonderful additions to my your own cabinets. There’s something about relaxing with your beverage of choice that says “self care” to […]
I was faced with a choice during the 3.5 hour window when both of my kids were at school today. Race around like crazy to get some Christmas shopping finished and run errands OR just have some me time. Remembering to take my own advice, I opted for watching an episode of Modern Family, doing […]
Does anyone else remember the TV show “All That” that was on Nickelodeon in the 90’s? I used to LOVE that show. It was like Saturday Night Live for kids. In fact, Kenan Thompson of SNL fame actually got his start on the show! Anyway, my favorite segment was Lori Beth Denberg’s Vital Information For […]
How was your weekend, Besties? Mine was busy but so fun! I got some quality time with the fam as well as a whole day of brunching and Christmas shopping with some of my besties (thanks, husband!). We have been carving out regular, intentional time together for a while now, and my life has been […]