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Could you help me out with something?  I’m always looking for the best ways to help you, to create blog posts and products that serve you – to educate, inspire, and yes, even entertain you.   In order to best do that, I need to check in with you from time to time – so today, […]

October 8, 2018

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If You Could Change One Thing About Your Life, What Would It Be?


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Guys, I love This is Us.  And I love GIFs (don’t believe me?  Ask the members of My Self Care Bestie – I’ve been dropping GIFs in our private Facebook group left and right!) And if loving those things are wrong, I don’t wanna be right. I wanted to share something fun this week, and, […]

October 1, 2018

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This Is Us GIFS: 10 Things Your Therapist Feels During A Session


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It’s no secret that I’m a fan of self-care.  Clearly.  But this August, I had a crazy idea:  invite my community to a self-care weekend where we can connect in person and learn more about mindfulness and self-care. But how?  I’m not really at a place (yet) where I can organize everything a weekend retreat […]

September 17, 2018

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3 Reasons To Invest In An Annual Self-Care Weekend


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One of the topics I always seems to gravitate to with my friends (nay, my Besties) is:  what are you loving right now?  It’s so fun to hear about (and share!) the products that are making life easier, better, healthier, and more exciting.  Just last night, I complimented a friend’s manicure and she told me […]

September 10, 2018

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6 Self-Care Services You Need To Try


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If there’s one thing I wish my clients would say to me more often, it would definitely be:  “Tell me how to make each day count.” Don’t believe me? Let me tell you why it’s true.  Typically, I hear these types of questions from my clients: “Why is everything so stressful all the time?” “Why […]

July 9, 2018

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How To Make Each Day Count


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Who wants to join my FREE 5 day self-care challenge?!   You, me, errrrybody! (cue the thunderous applause). Yes, my Besties, it’s about to get REAL.  Because I don’t want this to be a place where we merely think about self-care.  I don’t want this to be a place where we merely talk about self-care.  Ohhh […]

June 25, 2018

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FREE 5 Day Self-Care Challenge!


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Ohhh, summer!  How I love to celebrate summer!  With the unofficial start of summer being Memorial Day, 4th of July being right in the middle summer month, and the unofficial wrap up being Labor Day, it feels like there’s always a reason to party during the warmest months of the year.   Last year, I wrote […]

June 4, 2018

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100 Ways To Celebrate Summer


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Question:  Should a mom leave her young kids for a girls weekend even if she is quite anxious about being away from them?  A friend recently messaged me about this, as she began to feel uneasy about being away from her children for the first time overnight.  She told me that she is struggling with […]

May 7, 2018

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How To Reduce Anxiety When Traveling Without Your Kids


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Writing is my jam.  I love it.  In elementary school, I would write pages and pages for every assignment.  I was writing “chapter books” by 3rd grade.  Also an avid reader as a child, as soon as I would find myself nearing the end of a Boxcar Children or Babysitter’s Club book, you better believe […]

April 14, 2018

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20 Writing Prompts To Spark Your Creativity


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Real talk:  I think I’m in love…with Therabox. Therabox is a subscription self-care box and it has me officially wowed.  Allow me to share a few reasons why I’m loving this box o’ goodness and then I’ll tell you just what was so amazing about the March box.  By the end of this post, you’ll […]

April 4, 2018

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Therabox March 2018 Review